Granblue fantasy english guide
Granblue fantasy english guide

If for some reason the page is unresponsive, it may be due to an ad blocker.

granblue fantasy english guide

If the registration is successful, you will be taken to another page with an orange button that launches GranBlue Fantasy.

granblue fantasy english guide

The nickname you give yourself will used on the Mobage website, and the default name "Granblue" will be used in the game. Refer to the image at right for the translated Mobage registration page.Check your registered e-mail and enter the 4-digit verification code in the following screen.The e-mail without the salted string will be sent a verification e-mail. Enter a salted e-mail, then click the orange button.If it's not visible, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the grey button labeled はじめてご利用の方 to create a new Mobage account.You will be taken to a login screen with several buttons below it. For example, an account created during a Premium Gala/Legend Festival can buy any exclusive story character SSR with this offer. This is because the Start Dash offer available to new accounts will remember the characters available at the time the account was created. The date you create your account is actually important. Under Device on the toolbar above the webpage, select any smartphone model, such as Google Nexus 5.Įnglish translation of the Mobage registration page.On the Developer mode toolbar, there is a button shaped like a smartphone screen on the left.Enter Developer mode using Ctrl+Shift+I.This saves a lot of time clearing cookies between rerolls. Open a Google Chrome window in Incognito mode using Ctrl+Shift+N.If you are using the Chrome App version, you can skip this section and start at step 2 in the next section. This tutorial assumes you are using the Google Chrome browser for rerolling, as it is the easiest method to use. Any e-mails sent to a salted e-mail will be redirected to the email without the salt used, so in the previous example, any mail sent to any version of the email address would all be sent to Mobage sends a lot of e-mail spam, so you may want to avoid using a primary e-mail address for your Granblue Fantasy account. The string behind the + symbol can be any letters or numbers of any length, but, to easily keep track of rerolled accounts, we recommend using numbers.

granblue fantasy english guide

For example, if your Gmail account name was a salted e-mail would be corpledinc20-5 or corpledinc2015 and so forth. To use a salted e-mail, you add a +string between the name and the portion of your e-mail address. This is because Gmail accounts can use salts, which basically allows you to use the same e-mail multiple times for registration. Google Mail accounts are highly recommended for rerolling.

Granblue fantasy english guide